Sunday, October 16, 2011

First post

Starting this blog mostly to showcase my models and conversion work which honestly will be from whatever game I happen to be playing at the time. I tend to bounce from project to project and from game to game as I can fit ideas into my head, but most things will be for Fantasy (skaven and goblins), 40k (orks, necromunda gangs, tau and various space marines), Reaper models, and Warmachine (cygnar and mercs). I will put up more of my models later, but for now here is my latest project:

Please excuse the debris in the background.
This started life as a terrorgheist/ zombie dragon from Games Workshop and has become a hellpit abomination for my Skaven army. I originally looked at its sprue and thought "why shouldn't both heads go on?" and then it all snowballed from there. The guts quickly got replaced with the ball from a plague furnace and as the wings felt ungainly, they got replaced with giant blades made from plasticard. overall it was a fun couple of hours processing how everything should fit.